Social Safeguards

Social safeguards management is critical in the project cycle as it enables prevention and mitigation of undue harm to people and their environment.

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Social safeguards ensure that all project activities are carried out in a socially responsible and inclusive manner protecting the rights of individuals and communities who may be affected by development projects, particularly when engaging with project affected persons (PAPs) and other stalk holders on matters related to acquisition of Right of Way (ROW). A fair and transparent process will be followed for land acquisition, with clear mechanisms in place for those affected. The program also emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and non-discrimination, ensuring that vulnerable groups, including but not limited to women, the elderly, and persons with disabilities, are considered in all phases of the program.

To any disputes;

  • The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been established to allow all stakeholders to raise concerns within the program.
  • There is a Community Engagement Guideline (CEG) that exists to interact and engage with the community as a priority.
  • The Metropolitan Development Forums (MDF) established and functioning help to facilitate open and dialogue between citizens and the project.
  • Social Safeguards Specialist – Mr. Lamek Seryazi